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From 2012 until 2019, I have coorganized the Colóquio de Geometria e Aritmética do Rio de Janeiro together with Carolina Araujo, Cecília Salgado, Eduardo Esteves, Nivaldo Medeiros, Marco Pacini and Luciane Quoos.

From 2014 until 2019, I have coorganized the Algebra Seminar at IMPA together with Carolina Araujo, Eduardo Esteves and Reimundo Heluani.

Together with Ethan Cotterill, Alicia Dickenstein and Nicolas Puignau, I have organized the workshop Tropical Geometry in the Tropics at IMPA during May 11-15, 2015.

Together with Asher Auel, Cecília Salgado and Antony Várilly-Alvarado, I have organized the workshop Rational Points at IMPA during May 25-29, 2015.

Together with Markus Reineke and Thorsten Weist, I have organized the workshop Workshop on Quiver Grassmannians and their Applications at the University of Wuppertal during March 21-24, 2017.

Together with Margarida Melo, Johannes Nicaise and Sam Payne, I have organized the ICM stellite conference Tropical Geometry and Moduli Spaces in the Hotel La Plage in Cabo Frio, close to Rio de Janeiro, during August 13-17, 2018.

In 2020 and 2021, I have coorganized LAGARTOS, the "Latin American Geometria Algebraica Real y TrOpical Seminar" together with Alicia Dickenstein, Ethan Cotterill, Marco Pacini, Johannes Rau, Fuensanta Aroca and Cristhian Garay López.

Since 2022, I am coorganizing the biweekly F1 World Seminar, together with Jaiung Jun, Yuri Manin, Matt Szczesny, Koen Thas and Matt Young.

Since 2022, I am coorganizing the Algebra Seminar in Groningen, together with Steffen Müller, Martin Lüdtke and Eduardo Vital.

In May 2024, I have organized an Intercity Number Theory Seminar in Groningen.

In October 2024, I have coorganized the Workshop Geometry of Matroids at the IAS in Princeton, jointly with Matthew Baker, Chris Eur, June Huh and Felipe Rincon.