# | Title | Coauthors | arXiv link | Journal |
The foundation of generalized parallel connections, 2-sums, and segment-cosegment exchanges of matroids | Matthew Baker, Zach Walsh, Tianyi Zhang | arXiv:2404.10656 | Preprint | |
Quiver matroids -- Matroid morphisms, quiver Grassmannians, their Euler characteristics and F1-points | Manoel Jarra, Eduardo Vital | arXiv:2404.09255 | Preprint | |
New building blocks for F1-geometry: bands and band schemes | Matthew Baker, Tong Jin | arXiv:2402.09612 | Preprint | |
Automorphic Forms for PGL(3) over elliptic function fields. Part 1: Graphs of Hecke operators | Roberto Alvarenga, Valdir Pereira Junior | arXiv:2107.08375 | Preprint | |
Foundations of matroids II: Further theory, examples, and computational methods | Matthew Baker, Tianyi Zhang | arXiv:2310.19952 | To appear in Combinatorial Theory | |
Foundations of matroids I: Matroids without large uniform minors | Matthew Baker | arXiv:2008.00014 | To appear in Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. | |
Mean payoff games with the signature of a potential | Marianne Akian, Stéphane Gaubert, Matthias Mnich | download | Unpublished version | |
Lift theorems for representations of matroids over pastures | Matthew Baker | arXiv:2107.00981 | J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 170:1-55, 2025 | |
Flag matroids with coefficients | Manoel Jarra | arXiv:2204.04658 | Adv. Math. 436:109396, 2024 | |
The topological shadow of F1-geometry: congruences spaces | Samarpita Ray | arXiv:2305.12801 | Math. Z., 306(2):30, 2024 | |
Towards the horizons of Tits’s vision: on band schemes, crowds and F1-structures | Koen Thas | arXiv:2305.13809 | Innov. Incidence Geom., 20(2-3):353–394, 2023 | |
Higher balancing for locally tropically convex tropical varieties | Emilio Peixoto | arXiv:1903.07640 | Manuscripta Math., 171(3-4):583-593, 2023 | |
A unifying approach to tropicalization | --- | arXiv:1508.07949 | Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 376(5):3111-3189, 2023 | |
Quiver Grassmannians of extended Dynkin type D - Part 2: Schubert decompositions and F-polynomials | Thorsten Weist | arXiv:1507.00395 | Algebr. Represent. Theory, 26(2):359-409, 2023 | |
Algebraic K-theory and Grothendieck-Witt theory of monoid schemes | Jens Niklas Eberhardt, Matthew B. Young | arXiv:2009.12636 | Math. Z., 301(2):1407-1445,2022. | |
Tropical geometry over the tropical hyperfield | --- | arXiv:1907.01037 | Rocky Mountain J. Math. 52(1):189-222, 2022. | |
Group completion in the K-theory and Grothendieck-Witt theory of proto-exact categories | Jens Niklas Eberhardt, Matthew B. Young | arXiv:2009.12635 | J. Pure Appl. Algebra 226(8):Paper No. 107018, 32 pp, 2022 | |
Factorizations of tropical and sign polynomials | Alexander Agudelo | arXiv:2005.12882 | Indag. Math. (N.S.), 32(4):797-812, 2021 | |
The moduli space of matroids | Matthew Baker | arXiv:1809.03542 | Adv. Math., 390:Paper No. 107883, 118, 2021 | |
Descartes' rule of signs, Newton polygons, and polynomials over hyperfields | Matthew Baker | arXiv:1811.04966 | J. Algebra, 569:416-441, 2021 | |
Representation type via Euler characteritics and singularieties of quiver Grassmannians | Thorsten Weist | arXiv:1706.00860 | Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 51(5):815-835. 2019 | |
Quiver Grassmannians of extended Dynkin type D - Part 1: Schubert systems and decompositions into affine spaces | Thorsten Weist | arXiv:1507.00392 | Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 261(1258):v+78 pp, 2019 | |
Plücker relations for quiver Grassmannians | Thorsten Weist | arXiv:1607.01058 | Algebr. Represent. Theory, 22(1):211--218, 2019 | |
The geometry of blueprints. Part II | --- | arXiv:1201.1324 | Forum Math. Sigma 6, e20, 90pp., 2018 | |
F1 for everyone | --- | arXiv:1801.05337 | Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 120(2), 83-116, 2018 | |
Quasicoherent sheaves on projective schemes over F1 | Matt Szczesny | arXiv:1602.05233 | J. Pure Appl. Algebra 222(6):1337-1354, 2018 | |
Cech cohomology over F1^2 | Jaret Flores, Matt Szczesny | arXiv:1511.06875 | J. Algebra 485, 269-287, 2017 | |
On the relation between hyperrings and fuzzy rings | Jeffrey Giansiracusa, Jaiung Jun | arXiv:1607.01973 | Beitr. Algebr. Geom. 58(4), 735-764, 2017 | |
Blue schemes as relative schemes after Toen and Vaquie | --- | arXiv:1212.3261 | J. Algebra 482, 264-302, 2017 | |
A blueprinted view on F1-geometry | --- | arXiv:1301.0083 | In Absolute Arithmetic and F1-geometry. European Mathematical Society Publishing House, 2016 | |
Schemes as functors on topological rings | Cecília Salgado | arXiv:1410.1948 | J. Number Theory 159, 193-201, 2016 | |
Schubert decompositions for quiver Grassmannians of tree modules | --- | arXiv:1309.3762 | Algebra Number Theory 9(6), 1337-1362, 2015 | |
Blueprints - towards absolute arithmetic? | --- | arXiv:1204.3129 | J. Number Theory 144, 408-421, 2014 | |
On Schubert decompositions of quiver Grassmannians | --- | arXiv:1210.5993 | J. Geom. Phys. 76, 169-191, 2014 | |
Toroidal automorphic forms for function fields | --- | arXiv:1012.3223 | Israel J. Math. 194, no. 2, 555-596, 2013 | |
Graphs of Hecke operators | --- | arXiv:1012.3513 | Algebra Number Theory 7, no. 1, 19-61, 2013 | |
Automorphic forms for elliptic function fields | --- | arXiv:1012.4825 | Math. Z. 272, no. 3-4, 885-911, 2012 | |
Projective geometry for blueprints | Javier López Peña | arXiv:1203.1665 | C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 350, no. 9-10, 455-458, 2012 | |
Toroidal automorphic forms, Waldspurger periods and double Dirichlet series | Gunther Cornelissen | arXiv:0906.5284 | In Multiple Dirichlet series, L-functions and automorphic forms, 131-146, Progr. Math., 300, Birkhäuser/Springer, New York, 2012 | |
Algebraic groups over the field with one element | --- | arXiv:0907.3824 | Math. Z. 271, no. 1-2, 117-138, 2012 | |
Sheaves and K-theory for F1-schemes | Chenghao Chu, Rekha Santhanam | arXiv:1010.2896 | Adv. Math. 229, no. 4,2239-2286, 2012 | |
The geometry of blueprints. Part I | --- | arXiv:1103.1745 | Adv. Math. 229, no. 3, 1804-1846, 2012 | |
Mapping F1-land: an overview of geometries over the field with one element | Javier López Peña | arXiv:0909.0069 | In Noncommutative geometry, arithmetic, and related topics, 241-265, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, MD, 2011 | |
Torified varieties and their geometries over F1 | Javier López Peña | arXiv:0903.2173 | Math. Z. 267, no. 3-4, 605-643, 2011 | |
Functional equations for zeta functions of F1-schemes | --- | arXiv:1010.1754 | C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 348, 1143-1146, 2010 | |
Toroidal automorphic forms for some function fields | Gunther Cornelissen | arXiv:0710.2994 | Journal of Number Theory 129 (6), 1456-1463, 2009 | |
Toroidal automorphic forms for function fields | --- | download | Thesis, Utrecht, 2008 | |
On the K-theory of graph C*-algebras | Gunther Cornelissen, Matilde Marcolli | arXiv:math/0606582 | Acta Appl. Math. 102 (1), 57-69, 2008 | |
Completeness and compactness for varieties over a local field | --- | arXiv:math/0410346 | Arch. Math. 88 (4), 344-348, 2007 |