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Homepage of Oliver Lorscheid

NameOliver Lorscheid
FunctionAssociate Professor
InstituteUniversity of Groningen
AddressRoom 488
Bernoulli Institute
Nijenborgh 9
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Phone+31 50 36 35089
Emailo dot lorscheid at rug dot nl

Curriculum Vitae: CV

Research interests

My general area of research is algebraic and arithmetic geometry. My recent focus lies on F1-geometry, tropical geometry and matroid theory. I have worked on quiver Grassmannians and automorphic forms in the past. A more comprehensive list of my research interests is as follows:

Algebraic geometry: moduli spaces; vector bundles; elliptic curves; algebraic groups;

Combinatorics: graphs; matroids; buildings; game theory;

Generalized scheme theory: F1 -geometry; tropical geometry; non-archimedean geometry;

K-theory: generalization to F1-geometry; relation to stable homotopy theory and arithmetic;

Number theory: L-series and zeta functions; periods of automorphic forms;

Representation theory: Hall algebras; quiver Grassmannians.