Lecture notes
Lecture notes on Complex Analysis, given in Groningen in 2023.
Lecture notes on Algebra 1, given at IMPA in 2020.
Link to the lecture notes on Blueprints and Tropical Scheme Theory, given at IMPA in 2018.
Lecture notes of a course on Galois theory, given at IMPA 2018.
Lecture notes of a series of 4 lectures on F1-geometry, given at IMPA in 2014.
Lecture notes of a talk on F1-geometry, given at the Mathematische Arbeitstagung in Bonn, 2009.
Slides of the talk "Tits's dream: buildings over F1 and combinatorial flag varieties", held at the IAS (Princeton), 2024.
Slides of the talk "The Moduli Space of Matroids", held at the IAS (Princeton), 2024.
Slides of the talk "Categories of Matroids", held at the Banff workshop Algebraic Aspects of Matroid Theory, 2023.
Slides of the talk "Moduli Spaces in Matroid Theory", held at the Mittag-Leffler Institute (Stockholm), 2022.
Slides of the talk "Representation Type via Quiver Grassmannians", held at USP (São Paulo), 2021.
Slides of the talk "Towards a cohomological unerstanding of the tropical Riemann-Roch theorem", held at the Conference F1-Geometry and Motives, on the occasion of Alexander Smirnov's 65th Birthday, 2019.
Slides of the talk "What is a Tropical Scheme?", held in Regensburg, 2018.
Slides of the talk "From Quadratic Reciprocity to the Langlands Programme", in honor of Langlands receipt of the Abel prize, held in Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
Slides of the talk "Matroids in Tropical Geometry", held at ALGA, Rio de Janeiro 2017.
Slides of the talk "F1-geometry and Its Applications", held at the 6th European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow 2012.